
School environments were a breeding ground for viruses long before the current pandemic came along .Having a large number of children in close proximity, utilising shared equipment, and having poor hygiene practises can result in outbreaks in a short period of time.. The introduction of UV-C Light technology to disinfect the air and surfaces has already been adopted in many schools across Australasia.  

This trend is expected to continue and expand as more schools, universities and other educational environments gain insight to the value and benefit that decreased student and teacher absence delivers. Deployment of UV-C light technology can be highly beneficial in combating everyday pathogens, ensuring a healthy and safe environment for all workers, students and visitors.

Applications: Reception, corridors, offices, lunchrooms, cafeterias, bathrooms, libraries, gymnasiums, change rooms, theatres, amphitheatres and beyond.




Air Disinfection

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Surface Disinfection

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Object Disinfection

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